COVID-Gardens WIldlife SAnctuary


1 acre forest garden

Edible species: high bush blueberry, Ostrich Fern, Day-Lily, Sweet Goldenrod, Skunk Cabbage, Curley Dock, Jewel Weed

The rehabilitation of  habitats impacted by residential land development is essential to protecting biodiversity and conserving America’s diminishing wild spaces. This vernal pool habitat in unique, and should support a biologically diverse population of animals species.

Surrounded by housing developments on all sides this wetland habitat had been left unmaintained for years, resulting in rampant growth of harmful invasive species and a severe lack of biodiversity.

After 3 years, the area is flourishing. Deer, turkey, frogs, salamanders, squirrels, rabbits, foxes, fisher cats, humming birds, bard owls. A pair of red tail hawks have built a nest far up in a red pine. The curious young birds often fly down and land directly on the sculptures. This year there also is a breeding pair of ducks.

Essex County
