CONServation art
I worked as an arborist for U.S. Fish and Wildlife. It was my job to maintain wild spaces in ways that allowed the habitat to flourish. I also was responsible for trying to mitigate the negative impacts pollution and anthropogenic climate change have on our forests.
My creative practice is an agrarian process that provides ecological benefits through the genesis of art. I use regenerative forestry and land management to aqueous material and create sculpture.
I collect all of the materials for my work directly from the landscape. I use the wood that results from beneficial forestry application, and utilize materials that are detrimental to healthy habitats like invasive plants and litter.

Support for Vulnerable forests and Families
Due to the compendious impact climate change has on all living creatures, Max Bard 911 E.S.S. takes a holistic approach to addressing climate injustice by providing meaningful support for the people and places who sufferer most from the inequities brought about through climate change.

Kennedy Children's Center Harlem, NY
Community Outreach
Building empathetic relationships between the public and environment is an essential for conserving the health of the planet.
There is no difference between environmental and societal issues. The health of the planet and society are intrinsically linked.
An unhealthy land yields an unhealthy people. In addition to directly engaging the public in a conversation about conservation my work illustrates an important concept that is becoming less conceivable in our modern society.
The work shows a human, driven by a human behavior; creativity, can be a beneficial participant within an ecosystem.